Handy hint for fellow bloggers #2
If you're using Blogger.com's handy text formatting tool rather than coding your blog entries in pure HTML (yes, Flyguy, it is OK to not code on HTML nowadays!)... then if you're creating a link, just stick " target="_blank" (yes, including that first quote-then-space) onto the end of it in the pop-up box where you enter the URL.Blogger will then code that properly to open in a new window. And it saves going into the HTML to add that code in.
and by typing HTML into the text area, your saving on typing HTML how? BTW it's XHTML ya dot com heathen. : )
No, you're saving on switching between the "user friendly" way of entering content, and the "I'm a geek I want to hand-code every little bit of content on the site" screen for people who don't understand what the term "content management system" means....
Does the X in XHTML mean "Xtra work", 'cause that's the only "benefit" it's ever given me!
Like dont have a BF.
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