Monday, November 14, 2005

Let's see if I can predict the future.....

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Hold on... the smoke is clearing, the crystal ball is bringing something to the front...

Oh. It's just Flyguy's usual brown-nosing over Google Analytics (free stats for your web site). Same old same old. "Google, google, we love you, google"...

Coming your way in about 3 weeks after he's recovered from the US trip. (Unless he's brave enough to log on whilst on his wedding/honeymoon trip!)

Ah well. Better luck next time.

Flyguy: sorry I beat you to it. That must really suck :-)


At 11:54 am, Blogger flyguy said...

The Google boys aint let me down yet... amazing free email, great free IM client & phone calls, excellent free photo editing [picasa] and all clean and simple with unobtrusive Yahoo! 3/4 page style flash pop up/under/over freaking ads.

Plus we have them to thank for forcing the rest of the world to up the size limit on email storage to something reasonable. [Get it up you sideways hotmail/yahoo mail etc etc]

Oh they also apparently have a good search engine : )

Bow to the church of Google boy!


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