Tuesday, January 24, 2006

What's this? A post about f**tball? From Blakey? Surely not!

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Yes, I'm breaking my thirty-*cough* years of silence to actually issue some commentary on football.

[Sidenote: Actually, there's a trend happening here. At lunch yesterday I pontificated forth about sports as well, something about an article in the Times/Guardian recently looking at China's mass - and supposedly harsh - gymnastics regime, and how a UK gymnast said that we're actually just as harsh. I think my comment was along the lines of "yes, well, that's all very good when you've only got 4 gymnasts in training for the future Olympics team, given our current state of funding". Impressive, eh?]

[Sidenote 2: At which point, I promptly left the table and returned to my desk. Leave 'em begging for more, that's what I say!]

So, back to the topic. F**tball. [Sorry, can't bring myself to actually write it].

More specifically, Sven.

Now, many bloggers round the UK are no doubt slagging Sven off for betrayal, and lying, and all that shite. But....

I can't help thinking that the media should be reporting on actual news, not setting people up just to make a headline.

What next? Asking politicians if they ever frequent a men's public toilet, and then "outing" them in an exclusive exposure? Throwing mud over Posh Spice, just to sell a picture saying "See! She doesn't pout ALL the time!"? Assassinating The Vicar [Blair, for those of you who don't read Private Eye] just to fill the front page at the weekend 'cause it was a bit quiet?

Surely the press complaints people should be over Sven's setter-uppers like flies on shit?

There. That's you've just seen history. Blakey talking about football.

Damn. I spelled it out normally.

[And just in case anyone from the media is reading this: bagsy me throwing the mud! ]


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