Friday, February 24, 2006

Help me Obi-wan. You're my only hope.

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Remember that scene. Fuzzy image of Princess Leia (pre- her gold bikini era) floating in mid-air?

It's not so far away as you think: Three Dimensional Images in the Air

Wonder how long it'll be till I can have Ms Pfeiffer, avec le suit lethair, lounging around on my bed???

Actually, maybe now it's time to invest in that company, plus any p*rn companies that decide to buy that technology. We all know that most consumer hi-tech stuff is driven by the sordid industries, right? (VCRs, online payments, pop-up windows, movies in webpages, etc)


At 2:39 pm, Blogger flyguy said...

You be well wrinkly before you get to enjoy Ms pfiffer's writhings my good man.


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