Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Now we know Flyguy's secret..

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If you've ever read Flyguy's blog ... (yeah, I know, it's neither funny nor interesting, but occasionally he does post some interesting movies to watch) ... you might have noticed a tendency for him to think that Google's cast off piss-stained y-fronts are absolutely wank-tastic.

Now we know why

But Flyguy: you managed OK on the pizza-eaters bit, but please... dude, it's only a 1 year program. Get over it!


At 5:55 pm, Blogger flyguy said...

Now you see, the difference is that I am not shy with my feelings [nay google love] where as you jealous negative shy boy, prefer to lurk in the background, and fail to remind all that this very Blog, searches, & some email, IM & Calenders you use & maybe more, are in fact all owned by the Big G.

[Cough] Adsense Mr.AnnoyingAdpageSearchEngineLitterer?, [Cough]

Now, no need to be shy Blakey... Go forth & spread the love.

[Unless of course your a scummy Yahoo! lover in which case you can just p*ss right off]

At 9:23 am, Blogger Blakey UK said...

"very Blog, searches, & some email, IM & Calenders you use & maybe more, are in fact all owned by the Big G".

Yes, this one blog. Whereas the 4 hand-written others that I have on specific topics are using Wordpress and Movabletype, and the many automated ones to attract the spiders are all on Wordpress.

I don't use G IM. And I only use the calendar because of peer pressure.

Don't like Yahoo either - their paid ad program is only open to US residents.


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