Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Film of the Week: 28 Weeks Later

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OK, so everyone and there dog has seen this already, but given my social life, it's not surprising that I haven't.

And it's probably the best sequel I've seen. Loved it. Same shlock-horror as the first one. Actually, a bit more, unless my memory fails me - eg, Robert Carlyle squishing people's eyeballs instead of eating them straight away.

Great use of unusual shots - overhead shots (internal and aerial), through sniper scopes with and without nightsight, through CCTV, etc.

Great use of sound - alternating between silence and auditory cacophany.

And some pretty good CGI, eg where London is strafed to take out the new infected. The scenes where the fire (napalm, I assume) is running through the canyoned streets and spreading up side-streets is fantastic.

And a good, if predictable, finale.



At 1:59 pm, Blogger Paul said...

How good was the opening scene to this movie, edge of my seat. When I saw it at the cinema, the volume was cranked up to max - seriously good.

At 11:11 pm, Blogger FLYGUY said...

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At 11:12 pm, Blogger FLYGUY said...

hadn't seen this yet either, sounds like recommendations all round.

At 9:46 am, Blogger BigAndiD said...

Class movie, just as good, if not better than the original


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