Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Heroes S2E01 - Spoiler Alert

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OK, I've gotta stop reading the forums after an episode. Too many fuckwits. Here's a post I just couldn't not write. The bits in italic are other people's comments:

Some thoughts on other people's comments:

"I wonder how in the world we are supposed to believe Matt Parkman took 5 bullets to the chest and lived to tell about it - especially considering he was in badphysical shape to begin with.4 months later he is up and running around as if nothing happened. Supposedly D.L. is dead, from 1 bullet to the lower abdomen, yet Matt survives 5 to the upper chest? The writers botched that one. "

Matt didn't get shot. He got 5 bullets "flung" at him by Sylar's telekinesis. Obviously, TK is not as strong as a good load of gunpowder, otherwise he would be dead (unless there's another healer around that we don't know about, and who was there at the scene, and I don't believe the writers are dumb enough to use that sort of cop-out).

"Mrs Petrelli and Hiro's father may be at the base of the company?"

No sarcasm this time: Didn't we see this in series 1, when Hiro's father first appeared? I can't remember that far back - was it something to do with handing Claire over to HRG? Also, remember Ma Petrelli had previously known the haitian, who was a company man, so obviously she had ties.

Re: the latino siblings:

"The Spanish brother and sister was kind of the only real boring storyline last night IMO. I do think that the brother has super speed/stamina with all the running he did, especially when he caught up the truck. What exactly is the girl, Mayas power??? All i saw were people with like blood drops coming out of their eyes. I didnt really get what she did to them. "

Someone else: "I also thought that her brother may have the power of speed because he was able to catch up to the truck by foot. We all know powers run in the family.... "

Really? All I thought was that A) they died relatively quickly once the brother was left behind, and B) the brother caught up... eventually. Or maybe I missed something that said "10 minutes and 400 miles later, the brother catches up" ???

And as for all the comments about how the episode didn't answer questions like: Why is Peter in a trailer in Cork with no memory? Why is Matt divorced? etc etc.... well, that's kind of the point of having 24 (or however many) episodes in a season - to spread things out. Get a life. Have some patience.

"He's [Kensei] english? Maybe he's claude's ancestor."

Yeah, that's right. The UK (or England in those days) is such a small place we're all related. I forget that, being a Brit myself. Heck, the Queen is my second cousin.

And where are Nikki/Micah/DL? Who cares? Hanging out with Sylar, Candice, and Claude, for all I know, as they weren't in it either. It was a 52 minute episode. They'll be back (well, maybe not DL). Just like in series 1 - not every hero was in every episode, thank god.

Oh, and GeigerdolylWodd [a twat who posted like 10 posts saying " HIRO chANGED THE PAST WHEN HE CAME BACK!", complete with the all caps writing] - why not watch the bloody program in one sitting without stopping every 10 seconds to post about what's happening on-screen? Go see a doctor and get some ADHD medication.


Thought some of you would appreciate reading that.

Anyway. Nice episode. Some good questions/plot elements to pursue in the coming series. I'm liking how messed-up Ma Petrelli is looking. And how does someone as small as George Takei (Hiro's dad) have a voice as deep as James Earl Jones? Unbelievable.

And I'm loving HRG (Horn Rimmed Glasses - cheerleader's dad) and Suresh and their plan - could be the best bit of the story, which is odd given that neither has any powers (OK, Suresh's blood can cure the virus that got his sister and nearly got Molly in the last series, but that's hardly a power, is it?)

In fact, HRG rocks generally. Nice scene at the office. Great round-the-dinner-table conversation, with more unsaid than said.

Shitty bit is that there's another fucking break in the middle of the season. I thought they'd promised not to do that after it lost 20% of it's viewers last time?

Ah well.

Actually, this series sucks.

After watching 2 episodes every 2 or 3 nights so that the missus can catch up to series 2 by episode 2 or 3, I'm hating having to wait another week for the next episode.

Life sucks.

Still, NCIS tonight! Yay DiNozzo!

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At 2:26 pm, Blogger Paul said...

Was quite enjoyable (though I put it on late and struggled with tiredness, repeat viewing due).

Definitely just setting up for the season, putting the characters in the places - so far so good.

At 1:49 am, Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Blakey's Pitts:
Your observations were entertaining to read...
The site is a lot of fun.

At 1:43 pm, Blogger BigAndiD said...

Im surprised nobody mentioned the nightmares (cant remember her name) the little girl was having, im guessing that is going to be one of the main story lines for this season.


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