Wednesday, October 17, 2007

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Film of the Week: Shooter

Loved it! (The beauty of keeping a list of films that came out months ago and watching them now, is that the ones with shit reviews get removed from my list, so I keep seeing great films).

Somewhat predictable twist to give the dynamic tension that a plot needs, but well played nevertheless. Nice ending. Action was pretty good, characterisation OK, acting good - some old names in it as well as Mark Wahlberg (spelling?). All round, a well-spent 90 minutes or so

Song of the Week: Budget Meeting

An odd title for the music overlaying the main battle scene in the much-maligned King Arthur, and the tune (in fact, the entire soundtrack) is Hans Zimmer amped up. Everything he developed starting with Crimson Tide - drums, male choir, brass, etc - to make his recognisable sound has been thrown in here and the dials twisted to 150%. A lot of people have reviewed it saying "Hans, do something different for a change", but I feel that this is archetypal, yes, but still powerful.

This particular track is 7 or 10 minutes long (one version is the one from the film, the other version is a different mix), so it comprises several different sections with slightly different feels.
A powerful bit, possibly my favourite of this "triumphant" music, kicks in around 4:30 into the film version. A real driving drum beat, with a choir soft in the background, and muted brass giving a motif that can be heard in a few of the tracks in the OST.

For MadJock's benefit, it starts at 2:37 into this Battlestar Galactica mash-up thing:

Edit: Actually, for some reason when I watched this on, I could see the time since start + total time, but when embedded here, it's "time left" that I'm seeing. In which case it's 3:55 remaining.


Anyway, another one that I want to listen to when I get the surround sound fitted. Or when I get a car with a nice stereo. I think the car's coming sooner....

World Of Warcraft Update

Two words: Pish. Uninstalled.

How they call it "role playing" I'll never know. RPG via a PC changed the day that Baldur's Gate was released. I know WoW is "MMORPG", but it's really "MMO Hack And Slash". Old idea. Very boring. Great for 14 year old virgin American geeks.

But it reminded me I had a copy of Warcraft III, a "demons, zombies, and elves" version of Command and Conquer, and I'm happily playing that when I get some spare time. Good game, even now.

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At 3:13 pm, Blogger FLYGUY said...

world of warcraft, thankfully its not just me, just don't get enthused by it at all.

And your getting a car as I've given one up. For once to me public transports now brilliant. Go figure.

At 5:28 pm, Blogger Paul said...

WOW is good, just needs quite a bit of time and investment. I do agree its not quite the traditional RPG, but they did something right (had 9 millions subscribers at one point).

Shall I have to work though, don't have the time to invest in it.

At 9:38 am, Blogger BigAndiD said...

Im sorry, turn based roll playing games, what is the point, first you roll your d12 dice and do plus 10 damage, i then pull out my plasma sword and whore the lot of you, yawn!!

As for shooter class movie, plus give some serious respect to the 300 winmag he uses.

At 10:07 am, Blogger Blakey UK said...

It's not turn-based, for a start. More like a PC RPG, but with other geeks playing the other people.

9 million subscribers? Jesus, that's a lot of people with no lives.

And what the hell's a 300 winmag? Is that big fuck-off sniper rifle? It looked the same one that I was ranting about in Smoking Aces. Big fucker? Big bullets? Almost like a portable tank?

At 10:03 am, Blogger BigAndiD said...

Yep you are right its the big fuck off sniper riffle from the movie, and good guess, it can fire 50cal rounds which will penetrate tank armour


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