Saturday, May 15, 2010

YES! There is justice in the world.

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Apparently, Heroes is cancelled.

Thank fuck for that. After the fiasco of the last series or two, and killing off the best character on it (Adam,the English guy in ancient Japan), it's outlasted it's shelf-live.

Heroes is dead. Flash-forward is dead (I never did pick up after the 4? month break). Long live Sarah Connor, DollHouse, Firefly.... er... Thank god at least Dr Who is a UK production and might last a while longer!


At 2:02 am, Blogger FLYGUY said...

actually heroes I read is definitely coming back fr a 12 part season... must admit i could care less about it, and if you haven't invested your time in true blood do so!!

At 9:19 am, Blogger BigAndiD said...

Your being a bit harsh, i thought Heroes and Flashforward were great.

Not much left, V, chuck and castle, hope they last a bit longer.

At 9:09 pm, Blogger Paul said...

Agreed, great first season and then it all went wrong, why it lasted 5 seasons I'll never know.

Flashforward, actually its on my tele now, really enjoyed the first half before Christmas and then dropped it. Just checked the news there and it doesn't wrap up at the end of the season, no chance I'll watch anymore then.

I'm fedup of shows running over multiple seasons, 2-3 is enough for me, then move on to something else.

At 11:00 am, Blogger Blakey UK said...

I've heard the final short season for Heroes has been canned, but rumours will persist for at least the next decade...

I dropped Flashforward after Xmas as well, and if they're not wraping the story, I won't be picking it up again. I was going to give it a shot after finishing Fringe, but life's too short.

Maybe it's time I picked up on Lost? At least that's going strong :-)

(Nae chance!)

At 11:00 am, Blogger Blakey UK said...

And of course, there's always NCIS!

At 11:05 am, Blogger Paul said...

I'd recommend skipping lost, it's been a dead horse for seasons now, I'm just counting down till it's over.

At 2:56 pm, Blogger FLYGUY said...

Deed horse yer arse, it's just about to finish and story has at least some longevity and depth. Unlike let's make this story up as we go heroes. Losts been huuugely popular but I'll give you it requires investment of time. Though isn't that what were after, hence this post of semi started shows and then they get cancelled? They just cancelled legend of the seeker, a great fantasy, ladies in leather show after two brilliant seasons, so am really grateful for Lost ( and true blood) for something to watch. At least it's not celebrity chef while ballrooms dancing, spotting a talent stuff, can't budge for that shit here.

At 3:00 pm, Blogger Blakey UK said...

Fight! Fight! Fight!

At 3:05 pm, Blogger Paul said...

Were you really enjoying seasons 4 and 5 of lost? What really happened then, they could have easily wrapped it up after season 3. But the audience was still there. zombied, but there.

So, any tips for the new season?

Castle isn't bad, Andi said about it and I've watched a few eppies.

At 3:17 pm, Blogger FLYGUY said...

No you right, too many gaps and taking to long in seasons but season 3 into 4 was a total and utter belter, then half way thru 4 it truly did get totally lost and lost it's audience, but credit due, they are wrapping this thing up tight and we got the last few eps finally answering many loose ends, only like 5 to go. Can't do castle, t loves it, lovin stargate universe, dark as hell and pretty depressing as it should be stuck in the middle of nowhere on a ship you can't stop with people dying every week. Have never seen a show handle a story about a parapalegic for 60 full mins, not cheery but again not australias got talent or endless, endless eps of two and a half men ( which is ok ) but on 2 times a night every night! Watched dr who? Me not impressed, t as usual loves it!

At 3:21 pm, Blogger Paul said...

Never watched Stargate, tried Caprica but didn't see ep 1 though (I was on a train and chose to sleep instead).

Two and a Half Men, now there's a show I don't understand, saw the news at the gym earlier saying it's been renewed for another two years, am I missing something?

Dr Who, nope, didn't like the 70s ones, never got into it.

Glad I have Sky to record the few decent things that are on, so when I'm in I can watch something decent.

More gigs, less TV I think.

At 11:22 pm, Blogger Blakey UK said...

Hey! 11 comments. That's a world record isn't it?

I've gotta say, I like Two and a Half Men. It's not something I sit and watch every day, but I'm more than happy to watch an ep whilst killing time till something else starts. Mind you, I found myself watching a Will and Grace the other day just to get a dose of Karen, so that's not saying much.

And NCIS... Wowsers. This week's ep (were Abby Does Mexico) is building to the season finale, methinks. Sad, but looking forward to it.

Stargate Universe. Never tried it (as I wasn't into the other Stargates in a big way). There's something depressing about about seeing Robert Carlyle in a spaceship and then seeing him grouch about Byers Road the next day (he's a right grumpy git in public, trust me).

At 2:47 am, Blogger FLYGUY said...

it is a record I think, we normally do this in gmail : ) Stargate Universe is nothing like the other Stargates and yes he plays a very grumpy man, tis not a happy show in any way, which I think is why I like it? (grumpy old man syndrome?)


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