The next BitTorrent?
BitTorrent, as many of my esteemed readers know, is a peer-to-peer technology for making downloads easier. Instead of downloading the whole file from one person, you download bits of the file, in random order, from multiple people.A new technology based on this means that you can download the bits in sequence, making it useful for streaming video/audio where the order of the bits is essential.
It'll be a while before it hits mainstream - there's a license fee to include the technology in other people's applications, but some hack will just reverse engineer it and make it available to illegitemate (sp?) peer-to-peer apps.
Of course, all this assumes you're not on crappy NTL and can therefore get more than 2 snail paces a week of BitTorrent download.
I was geting 60kb/s the other night! All has changed it seems on certain sites/feeds...
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