Friday, April 01, 2005

What a difference a day makes...

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This is an emotional one, so roll your eyes and get the hankies ready...

Yesterday, I was feeling a bit sorry for myself. I'm down here for 2-3 weeks whether I like it or not, looking after mum because no-one else can do it full time whilst she recovers from her operation. Peacock Junior is coming in August whether I like it or not (which fundamentally is a good thing, but it didn't feel like it on top of everything else going on right now). K and Jr will then be moving down south for however many months it takes while she's with her parents through the coming trouble, whether I like it or not. In July I'll be working for another employer miles away from where I live whether I like it or not.

... Life sucked...

But today... the sun is trying desperately to break out from behind clouds. I've got 2-3 weeks to catch up with friends without missing people out because they're busy until I go back up north. I've spent a lot of time with my sister, and my big bro' is coming up for a day over the weekend (and we've not seen each other for a LONG, LONG, LONG time). Mum's op went amazingly well (perhaps a little too well - I was hoping for the weekend to myself, but it looks like she'll be home [and bending my ear] five days earlier than planned!). K's dad has also been in hospital and it all seemed to go well. And when she and Jr move down south, I'll have the week days up in Scotland free to focus on my self-employed work, so that when they come back up to Scotland (or I go down south, as I suspect might happen), I'll be able to make the move and be around alot more to see my son grow up. And to take advantage of lovely spring days when they occur.

And all this was triggered by finding an MP3 playlist which boosted my mood.

So today's lesson, if you're still here, is two-fold:

1. There's always a benefit in a situation, even if you can't see it at first.
2. Sleep on it - things always look better the day after.
3. Make yourself a playlist now to give you the bootstrap you'll need when you least expect it.
4. When the weather is good, and if you leave on the east coast of Scotland, do whatever it takes to make the most of it. You might not get the chance for a long, long time.
5. When you start making a list, you'll always think of more things that you initially thought of.



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