Doh! Anyone got a spare vote?
Having failed to register to vote since I've moved, I was unable to vote in the last local election. And I promptly forgot to register after that, so I still can't vote.If one of you out there is planning not to vote, can you vote Lib Dem on my behalf please? Tony's a liar (OK, so they're all liars, but people don't normally die or get sent to an illegal war when a politician lies); Gordon Brown's been a lucky sod I think; and Michael Howard... well, I just don't think he cuts the mustard.
What's even stranger is that, in all my long years, even though I've moved house 9 times in the last 9 years, I've never needed to register before.
What is this? Some labour ploy to prevent those Y.U.P.P.I.E. consertive supporters from voting after they've upgraded their self-owned property again????
One of the guys in my team was not going to vote, but he is now going to vote lib dem...
...your wish has been granted
Oops, bit late on this one, votes can't be backdated, can they? ;)
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