Just finished watching Dr Who
And I liked it.OK, some of the plot devices were crap (the whole "reality TV gone mad" thing in the last couple of episodes.
OK, some of the effects were crap (the slitheen or whatever they're called unzipping themselves out of their human disguises).
But the characterisations of The Doctor (Christopher Eccleston) and his relationship with Rose (the increasingly beautiful Billie Piper) was superb. The moral/ethical dilemmas imposed on them were well scripted and well thought out (eg, in the last episode, the daleks are about to take over earth and turn all humans into daleks - the Doctor has one chance to wipe them out completely, but it'll take out all human life on earth as well - and as he says, is it better to die human or live as a dalek?)
I liked it. Hats off to the scripwriting team. Can't wait for the next series, as I like David Tennant that is the new Doctor - he was great in BBC's recent Casanova mini-series.
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