This is the best on-line arguement I've seen in a long time
Here's the situation.."My boss just had a baby. It's a small company. She's bringing it to work everyday. How do I tell her that this is bad?Speaking as a worker, a parent, and a manager (with a suitably embarrassed "cough, cough" in case anyone from work is reading this)... this is fantastic! I didn't realise there were so many dumb people around.
Call me old fashioned, but an infant should not be at work. I'm having a hard time dealing with a crying baby in my office, as well as someone changing diapers and also having my boss closing her door and breastfeeding while I'm trying to work. I need to somehow tell her that I have a big problem with this and how it is reflected on our companies' professionalism but I don't want to hurt her feelings, or worst even, look like a big grump. Got any pointers? I'm having a difficult time with this one. "
Of course... feel free to place bets on which particular bunch of people I'm calling "dumb"
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