Monday, May 15, 2006

The Master Race, 60 Years On

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Just by coincidence, I've recently read two novels about WW2 and specifically about the concentration camps and Hitler's desire for a pure Aryan culture. And it's set me thinking...

I think he might have missed a couple of points.

1. He wasn't exactly Aryan himself, now was he?

2. Genetics 101:What happens when you interbreed people of similar genetic material? You get more and more of the dominant genes, right? More blonde, more pale skinned, more blue eyes, etc. Well, probably. But you also get more and more mutations appearing. Witness other cultures where there is a strong coercive pressure to interbreed amongst one's own type (eg, the royals).

So today, the Aryan's would probably be the most deformed group of people in western europe.

And who said that a just God doesn't exist??


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