Tuesday, February 27, 2007

OK, Primeval has lost the plot already

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And it's only a pilot.

They've taken a lot of care, I'm sure, over the size, colour, sounds, etc of the dinosaurs. But they missed two basic elements of biology and physics.

But first, a little side story:

Aristotle, you know, that clever old Greek guy, thought that men and women had different numbers of teeth. All he had to do to check this, was look inside his wife's mouth and then a mate's mouth, and he'd be able to confirm that actually we have the same number.

Likewise, when the Professor in Primeval counted the number of ribs in the human skeleton to say that it was male, he might have remembered biology 101: men and women have the same number of ribs.

Secondly, I've seen the mess made of a big truck when it hits a deer. But somehow, the Professor's buddy drives a truck into a - and I quote the program here - 5 or 6 ton dinosaur, knocks it over and stuns it, and then just gets out of the car.

Er... no. I don't think so.

Oh deer. Get the back to the gravel pit, oh ITV producers.

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