Friday, August 24, 2007

Film Of The Week: King Arthur

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I know this film got a bit slated by everyone, but there was no way I was passing up the opportunity to see some more of Keira "Posh Totty" Knightly.

And I don't think the film was that bad. Clive Owen (as Arthur) comes across a bit wooden, but I think that's because of the lines he had, not his acting. I know he's supposed to be the future King of England, but I'm sure he relaxed a bit occasionally, and didn't speak in sound bites.

The fight scenes were pretty good. Ray Winstone (Bors) and Mads Mikkelson (Tristan) were pretty good, standing out from the others in their own way. And Stellan Skarsgard (aka Bootstrap Bill from the Pirates movies) was good as the uber-calm but menacing leader of the Saxons.

Overall not bad. Although I did wonder where the woads suddenly got their trebuchets from.... if they had them all that time, why not use them against the Romans earlier.

Oh, and it was nice to Ken Stott doing a non-Scottish accent. He was still playing Ken Stott of course, but that's what he's best at :-)



At 8:26 pm, Blogger FLYGUY said...

Apparently a painful shoot with script re-writes and other delays. And it shows, I thought.
Without Clive Owen it would by up to posh totty with her fried eggs to hold it together, and she is as strong as wet tissue paper in this to me.

But then I know your weak spot for her : p

At 8:55 pm, Blogger Blakey UK said...

Oh, it's not a weak spot. It's very strong and hard...

At 10:47 am, Blogger Paul said...

Can't be doing with that lass, she does my head in with that pout

At 2:41 pm, Blogger Blakey UK said...

She can do my head with that pout, any day.

Oo-er missus.

At 6:36 pm, Blogger BigAndiD said...

Must be an english thing Andy, as I think she is a fine bit of top totty

At 10:35 pm, Blogger Blakey UK said...

Ah, see. Bloody Scots are jealous that they've not got anyone as totty-like.

I mean, come on: Posh Totty vs Jimmie Crankie? I think I'd rather have Ray Winstone...


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