Monday, August 30, 2010

Aaah, it's back

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Thank you, my loyal readers, for pointing out the missing header graphic. It's back now, so you can sleep easy tonight.

And here's another sci-fi dame that I should think about adding:

Oh yeah. I thought you'd like that one...


At 8:19 am, Blogger BigAndiD said...

Brrrrr..... is it just me or is there a chill in the air

At 8:26 am, Blogger Blakey UK said...

LIke I said, I thought you'd like it.

But wait till the next one, Andi!

At 2:42 pm, Blogger Paul said...

Ooffft, who is that?

At 2:54 pm, Blogger Blakey UK said...

I take it that's a good "oofft"

That, my young man, is Sarah Connor from the TV series, and the sole reason I cried when the series was canned.

And she's too old for a young whippersnapper like you.

At 2:56 pm, Blogger Paul said...

Oh yes that was a good "oofft", instead of catching up on work after two weeks off, I'm researching a Lena Headey now.

Indeed she's a bit of an old cow, 36, but oh well.

At 3:05 pm, Blogger Blakey UK said...

Hey! Who are you calling a cow!

I thought that no-one could beat Sarah Connor in Terminator 2, but she's done it.

At 3:07 pm, Blogger Paul said...

T2, now she is/was a bit old for me....

At 11:10 pm, Blogger Blakey UK said...

Oi, no need to be cheeky.

Compare T2 to T2, and it's a whole better movie. That shape-shifting was phenomenal... back in the day.

Bloody kids these days. Don't know how lucky they got it. I can remember days where the alien started shape-shifting, and all that happened was the camera cut to other people's reactions and then cut back once the transform had completed.

Christ. 1991 when that came out. Half a lifetime ago. More importantly, half MY lifetime ago.

Where's it gone?

At 2:01 pm, Anonymous flyguy said...

And she's pointing at me...twice

At 10:48 pm, Blogger Blakey UK said...

Indeed. I think she was thinking of me when that photo was taken..


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