Ooh! Ooh! A Blog Post!
Right. Posting here as AndiD's not on facebook.
Two things:
First, I've just realised that having a new PC means I can play modern games on them (ie, things newer than Baldur's Gate 2, which is embarrassingly old now), so I'm installing Mass Effect 2 as we speak. I'm very excited by this.
Second, with redundancy payment looming, I'm treating myself to a console. I need something that A) will play games, B) at least some of you guys have got, C) will allow me to play DVDs, and D) will allow me to stream from my laptop (or play AVIs from it's hard-drive).
I'm assuming a 360 is the thing to get in this case, but obviously the PS3 is around as well.
Any thoughts?
Bugger. Downloaded Mass Effect 1 not 2... Still, it'll keep me busy for a while, but I'm downloading #2 now, given I've played #1 before.
I hate Sony with a passion, and therefore I refuse to buy a PS3, but I do realise I've missed out on some good games on it, free online play as well. Though the whole forced install of games seems a bit of a mess.
360's a good console, believe it does decent playback of standard def content, though I keep XBMC for all that goodness so can't really comment too much.
Oh and there's the Wii, don't waste your money :)
not much more to the mix i can add from Paul's post.
If you have a HD telly, then PS3 might be better as its also a blueray player.
Streaming to consoles is simple enough how for some reason the xbox needs to be online to download the codex where as the ps3 does not.
however, if you want online gaming with all of us, you might want to consider xbox and a yearly subscription to xbox live
oh and i will make a point to sign up to that facebook thingy as well.
PS3 dude. Blu-ray and a bit more adult and a sexy. Yes Sony suck only less than Apple, but regardless Jock REAAALLY has missed out on some sexy, sexy games. Uncharted! Heavy Rain, Little big planet and of course 'Barbies Horse Adventures; Naked in the stables'
After my red ring of xbox, I'm PS3 all the way, and don't miss it's teenage boy annoying USA demographic one bit. One other feature I love multi region free games=mucho bargains!
360 should only need to go online once for the Divx codec, unless it comes out of the box these days, not really sure.
RROD problems were a joke though (and all gone with the slim, I believe).
I really need to invest in a new battery for my 360 controller, had it wired for months.
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