Friday, April 28, 2006

Fucking thugs

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K was taking little A for a walk yesterday, walked out the house and 50yds down the street, and had to walk between a posse of 6 or 7 teenagers, who were obviously bored. First they tried to jump on the back of a van touting English colours, along with various colourful epithets, who was doing a u-turn on the corner, and then when he drove off ("He's too scared to stop!"... more likely just couldn't be bothered), they decided to crowd K and said they'd happy slap little A and take the photo.

Silly little boys.

K let rip. I've seen her in full flow. There's a phrase from the Norse Viking days: 'baer-serk'. Meaning "bear shirt", in the believe that these particular warriors were possessed by the spirit of the bear as they went into battle. K comes from their bloodline, I'm sure.

She scared them off.

But wo fucking betide them if we see them on the street again.

And this is in J'Hill. What the fuck? We lived for 2 years round the corner on the Cross, with no problems, where at least people had the common sense to not cause any aggro with strangers, as they never knew if you were madder than them! But no... put some kids in J'Hill and they think everyone's a nice little PC, never-say-boo, turn-the-other-way scaredy cat.


At 9:30 am, Blogger BigAndiD said...

I hope we see them when we are ALL out together...


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