Thursday, May 18, 2006

Classic from the Stella Awards

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The Stella Awards:
"The Stella Awards were inspired by Stella Liebeck. In 1992, Stella, then 79, spilled a cup of McDonald's coffee onto her lap, burning herself. A New Mexico jury awarded her $2.9 million in damages, but that's not the whole story. Ever since, the name "Stella Award" has been applied to any wild, outrageous, or ridiculous lawsuits -- including bogus cases! We search for true cases, and you can subscribe by e-mail for free to get the case reports as they're issued. "

Here's one of the latest.


And I quote: '... one of the U.K. cases I discussed in my essay, where a trespasser at a warehouse and fell through the roof. He was awarded 567,000 pounds (US$1.06 million), which he said he'd spend on a "flash car" and "a big house so I have a place to live with me mum when she gets out of jail." '

Jesus wept. For so many reasons.


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