Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Film Of The Week: Sunshine

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Spoilers ahead!

I really want to like this one. It had quite a lot going for it: Danny Boyle, character-based rather than bug-eyed-aliens-and-fancy-weapons based, etc.

And it kind of worked.

If you ignore some stuff. Like:

  • The way it went from psychodrama-thriller to shock-horror
  • The visual effects on the guy in the shock-horror bit
  • A computer that can override one command decision (removing manual flight control when the oxygen garden was burning, in order to save the flight), but not another (change course to intercept Icarus 1, even though that puts the ship in danger cause the twat forgot to repoint the heatshield)
  • Icarus 2 used a sling-shot effect, looping round Mercury 3 or 4 times, to get enough speed to reach the sun. But then has enough fuel and accuracy to stop stationary alongside Icarus 1. I suspect that the fuel used to manoevre like that would have been an interesting amount for someone who aimed to come home afterwards.
  • Why was Cillian Murphy the only one who could set off the bomb? Looked like all he did was pull a lever....
And I'm sure there were a few others. The use of gravity on the ship was one alarm bell that rang.

So... should have been good. Looked impressive. Didn't quite deliver. Too much like Event Horizon at the end (although I like Horizon more).



At 5:19 pm, Blogger Paul said...

It was good, until the end, when he leaves the ship - I just came out thinking "wtf".

At 11:46 pm, Blogger FLYGUY said...

So agree with both of you, a film that had a stonking trailer, and concept, and yet still fell pretty much flat on its face. Major letdown.

At 7:09 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like it over here. And I, too, enjoyed "Event Horizon" more. Maybe if Alex Garland had focused less on what he was borrowing from other films and on what sci-fi cliches he was trying to avoid and more on telling a coherent story, this thing might've worked. Good cast, pretty soundtrack, hella-mess in the writing department....

At 12:51 pm, Blogger BigAndiD said...

Is it worth it, i hear bad things about it, not sure, what do you recommend?

At 5:04 pm, Blogger Blakey UK said...

Give it a shot, but don't expect miracles. And don't watch it if you have something else to do that night.


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