Thursday, February 21, 2008

Torchwood Rant Again. I'm disgusted, sickened, gagging...

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Just watched the last two episodes ("Meat" and "Reset"), and ... well, I'm just bloody disgusted.

The first one of the two had a strong plot element about Gwen (the Welsh bird) and Rhys (her non-Torchwood fiance), and ... get this.. they kept this bit hidden for a long time, didn't they... wait for it. Rhys is a "he". And Gwen is a "she". Which means it's a fucking hetero relationship!!!

It gets worse!

In "Reset" (no spoilers here), one of the Torchwood team asks out another one. And they're opposite genders as well. Hold on, one of them two also asked out another one of the team in "Adam", and that second person was also of the opposite sex.

That's three hetero encounters in three weeks. It's a fucking consiracy, I'm telling you!

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At 6:00 am, Blogger FLYGUY said...

You'd think this hetero thing was mainstream or something, I mean these Torchwood writers are really 'edgy'. ; )


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