Sunday, February 24, 2008

Wolverine, the Movie, is gonna blow big time.

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Mark my words. Remember where you heard it first.

Any film which has writing " Twentieth Century Fox has added three more superheroes to X-Men Origins: Wolverine..." is gonna be bad.

"three MORE superheroes".

There were three in Spidey 3. It sucked.

There were two plotlines in X-Men 3. It sucked.

When are they gonna learn: less is more.



At 8:27 am, Blogger FLYGUY said...

Well, I'll reserve judgment until trailer appears.

At 10:06 am, Blogger BigAndiD said...

Well, I don't know if it will suck, as long as they don't dominate the movie, it sounds like it will work well.

But I agree with the fly, im waiting for the trailer.


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