Sunday, June 18, 2006


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... and you guys call ME a search-engine-spammer


Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Microsoft are in the good books this week.

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Microsoft Office Assistance: Turn a message into a task

This'll save my poor old CTRL, C, and V keys...


Thursday, June 08, 2006

This why I love reading Scott Adams' blog

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Quote of the day, from The Dilbert Blog: Is God Hiding or Not?

Scott's writing about how readers have pointed him to two different sites: one supporting the Bible's prophecies, one arguing that God doesn't exist as he only heals (in "miracles") diseases which could heal naturally anyway, not things like amputations that will never heal natirally. Unless you're a salamander. Or an octopus. Or a worm cut in half. Or a sponge squeezed through a really, really fine mesh. Or any oe the other myriad ways that some animals regrow body parts.

Anyway, back his quote: " know someone is going to read this and point out that the Bible predicts the creation of the nation of Israel. By that standard, I have a cookbook in the kitchen that has predicted a lot of my meals. So you’ll have to do better than that."



Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Anyone got 720 knickers to spare?

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Robonova I - I Want One Of Those


Next time you're accused of just sitting around lazing, here's your response

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"It might look like I'm doing nothing,but at the cellular level I'm really quite busy."



Friday, June 02, 2006

"Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid"

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Those floating lightsabre practice balls are closer than you think.