Monday, March 22, 2010

Am Creaming My Pants Already!

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There are so many things I like about the new Dr Who Trailer:

1. The statues from "Blink"
2. The line "if you want to live to tomorrow, there's one thing you never, ever want to put in a trap: Me" (not an exact quote, but close enough)
4. Daleks
5. Cybermen
6. It starts in a few weeks!

Can. Not. Wait.

Will miss David Tennant a wee bit, but judging by the trailer, I think the new boy will be good.

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Saturday, March 13, 2010

Who's your "The Older Woman Who I Absolutely Would..."

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Back when I used to work in huge, steel-plated, 1 foot thick radio-insulation cages (well, they were called cages, but the walls/floor/ceiling were solid - it was like being in a bloody cold-war nuclear bunker), I used to put the beat-box on (well, this was the late 80s, so I'm allowed to say beat-box and not laugh whilst I'm doing so).

One singer was frequently on. Bonnie Tyler. I loved that gravelly, too-many-whiskies-and-too-many-smoky-gin-joints voice of hers. And yes, if she'd offered, I definitely would have.

And judging by the sound of her voice, at it's most gravelly, in this 2007 live recording, I still would. OK, the interpretation is not so great, the casio keyboard music sucks, and her voice is a bit warbly, but when she growls....

... Oh boy.

Bonnie Tyler is still kicking it!


Friday, March 12, 2010

Slightly NSFW Thought For The Day

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Tuesday, March 02, 2010


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And I repeat, geek.

Impressive, but still a geek.