Monday, January 17, 2011

Oh, and look what's back!

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Sarah Connor Chronicles. Canned.

Caprica. Canned

Dollhouse. Canned.

Firefly. Canned.




Until you get to this one:

Primeval. Should have been canned when 4/6 of the main cast were written out.

Should have been written out 1 series later when it went down hill.

But no! It's back!

Fecking unbelievable.

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Only 2 episodes [no pun intended] but Episodes is looking pretty sharp. It stars Tamsin Greig (the neighbour from Black Books - albeit not the best characters) and Stephen Mangan (who's face I know from somewhere I can't remember), and Matt LeBlanc playing ... Matt LeBlank.

Great set up where Tamsin/Stephen play British scriptwriters trying to launch a remake of their hit UK TV series into the US, and the interplay between US/US TV people is what drives the series (Episodes, that is, not the one that the characters have written).

The best characters are definitely the US people, which doesn't say much about the UK view that the Yanks don't have any sense of humour.

But it's a BBC production, so that makes everything alright again.

Well worth a look.
