Thursday, July 30, 2009

Love This Quote From

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They've been at ComicCon recently (hasn't every major scif-fi blogger?), and went the Battlestar's orchestra show. Edward James Olmos (the Admiral himself) was compering.

But then, a good hour after my ticket said the show would start (which is admittedly pretty good for your average concert), I heard a voice. Thankfully, it was Edward James Olmos, introducing himself in Spanish over the microphone. I suddenly realized that this really was going to be Edward James Olmos leading us through the night's activities, not Bill Adama. He was not here to recite a greatest hits of his work on Battlestar Galactica. There would be no talk of toasters or skinjobs, how all this had happened before and would happen again (although considering there were concerts on Thursday and Saturday as well, he actually missed out on a good advertisting opportunity there). He did lead us all in a hearty round of "So say we all!", but that seemed to be the exception that proved the rule. And no, I'm not sure where my life can go now that I've chanted "So say we all!" with Edward James Olmos. I'm pretty sure I've peaked as a nerd.
Love that last bit!

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Friday, July 10, 2009

Torchwood: Children Of Earth

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Whether you watch Dr Who or Torchwood still, or whether you tried them and turned off, this is worth a shot. Some of the best sci-fi I've seen in a while. Even K liked it!

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