Saturday, April 30, 2005

Oi! Where's my template gone?

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Oi! Blogger! Hold on!

Just because I've set up a second blog with a plain white template, doens't mean I want THIS one set to plain white as well!!!



Fancy a cheap cruise round the playgrounds of the rich and famous?

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It's happened. EasyCruise.

You can guess the rest. Except that the cruises are round the French and Italian Rivieras: St Tropez, Cannes, Nice, Monaco, etc.

Great. Drink champagne. Eat caviar. Spot celebs. All at a great price.

Except... you would never be able to sleep for the whole cruise.


This is why?

Ouch! I've got a headache already.


Converse: Adverts created by the customer

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The ever-excellent Trendwatching newsletter had a theme this week about adverts for commercial companies, but where the adverts are created by the consumer. I guess with the explosion in digital video capability at home, these things are getting more feasible.

They linked to the Converse site, where there are a dozen or more such ads. And one that I loved.

Have a look at the Converse gallery here , and (once you get used to the rather strange navigation system) have a look at the one very close to the right-hand end of the selection, on the top row, which looks like a guy in a blank jumper on a mobile phone, against a grey wall. It's an cheap version of "bullet-time".


Friday, April 29, 2005

Blimey, everyone is blogging nowadays...

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With the coming media hype around "ep 3" (or "the next Star Wars film" as most of us are calling it), here's some related blurb:

"You will return the fleet to the outer rim tomorrow," enunciated Emperor Palpatine crisply, leaning into his cane and watching me from beneath the hem of his black mantle. "You will soon have the clues you need to close in on our quarry."

"You believe the new probe droids will be effective, then, my master?"

"I am not concerned with droids," he replied. "Rather, I have foreseen these events. The strings of the Force grow taut, and soon we shall play a tune upon them, Lord Vader. It will be a dirge for the rebellion that will initiate the second age of this New Order."

Man, that guy loves the sound of his own voice! Luckily no one can see me roll my eyes behind this masque.

A quote from Darth Vader's blog


Thursday, April 28, 2005

Well there's a surpise

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So the UK attorney general first said the Iraq war was illegal, and then changed his mind by the time his decision was published to the British parliament. Hmmm. I suspect Emporer Blair might have had something to do with this.

Time for impeachment, I think.

Or just get all your friends to vote lib-dem, to teach Labour not to take the piss, and the Conservatives a lesson that just because they're not Labour, doesn't mean they'll get in automatically.

I know where I'll be voting!



A chat channel spat ended when a wannabe hacker was duped into deleting his own hard drive. The 26 year-old Germanclaimed he was the baddest hacker in town and threatened to attack a moderator on #stopHipHop's RC Channel because he thought he'd been thrown out. He demanded the moderatorcough up his IP address and prepare to be hacked. The moderator sent back a bunch of numbers and there then followed a period in which the moderator assumes all mannerof hack tools were unleashed at the IP address. Finally the hacker declared success. "I can see your E: drive disappearing, he gloated, "D: is down 45 percent!" he cried, before disappearing into the ether. It seems he'd been hot enough to hack his own address

Thanks to the Inquirer


Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Goooooogle does it again

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An experimental site takes the online mapping that G launched recently, and overlays LIVE GPS positioning of some shuttles (which I assume are a bus service, rather than space ships).


Question: How many times do you have to read a word for it to stop "feeling" right?

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I've just read a FASC-IN-ATING physics extract on unmatter - material that lies somewhere between matter and anti-matter in it's composition.

Don't ask me why - I must have been bored or fancied a challenge.

But after reading about 3 paragraphs of words smattered with a liberable dosing of the words "matter", "antimatter", and "unmatter" (with "non matter" thrown in for good luck), the very word "matter" began to swim in front of my eyes, and I felt like it was spelled incorrectly.

What's the matter with me? :-)


Jurassic Park, here we come

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Just when you thought it was safe to go into the outside loo...



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Can't think of anything else to say!


Just another wee sneaky link to a site of mine about contact lenses, and it's contact lens blog as well...

Again, if you're flesh-and-blood, just ignore it...


Gossip from Star Wars episode 3

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Peter Mayhew, who returns to the Star Wars saga as the Wookiee Chewbacca in Episode III, told SCI FI Wire that he will look slightly different from his incarnations in previous installments.

Yeah, he'll have great nail polish, no dead-ends, and some dazzling lip gloss.

You know what I'm saying, Flyguy!


Fitness equipment: Just a little bit more self-promotion

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Yes, another reference to another site of mine, this time about fitness equipment, so that the search engines will pick it up. There's even a fitness equipment blog with articles by other people.

Feel free to ignore these links if you're not a search engine...


Sunday, April 17, 2005

This is just too good to not mention here...

It's a ball, with a light in it, which changes colour according to data it receives from the internet via your wireless network. You can map the colours to show you:
  • Weather predications from weather-prediciton websites (rather than look out the window)
  • Share indices like the Dow Jones or FTSE 100 (for when you have billions of dollars at risk and need some finely-tuned warnings of another Black Tuesday)
  • When that font of wit and urbane intelligensia that is Flyguy's blog has been updated (just in case you're really bored one day)
  • The latest rating by BigAndiD's in Halo2 (like you need to ask)
  • When MadJock has written about his next "early adopter" purchase

... and all other sorts of interesting information...


Saturday, April 09, 2005

A pointed quote from Sitepoint

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One for MadJock and Flyguy, I think:

One day, as I exclaimed in horror that his email program was five years out-of-date, an older friend told me, "Kevin, the time will come when you'll find it's just not worth keeping up with everything that's new."

At last check, that friend continues to run a thriving IT consulting business...


It's not just me. Sometimes, the latest and greatest bit of kit or software just isn't worth the extra bells and whistles. And one day, Grasshoppers, you'll come to the light side with me and the "older friend" in the quote...


Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Quote of the day

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I'm not gonna say Satchel is stupid.... but that's only because I can no longer hear his voice over the duelling banjos.

Bucky, "Get Fuzzy"


Monday, April 04, 2005

Daft thoughts

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If a turtle doesn't have a shell, is he homeless or naked?

When it rains, why don't sheep shrink?

What does Geronimo say when he jumps out of a plane?

If a mime swears, does his mother make him wash his hands with soap?

When your pet bird sees you reading the newspaper, does he wonder why you're just sitting there, staring at the carpet?

... More such inanities from


Saving money on flights...

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Here's a tip I learned from an insider in the airline industry. It's probably one of those things that everyone knows about, but which they keep a secret from me in order to get a cheap laugh when I finally find out...

If you have to book a single flight, don't. Book a return, but make it a long way in the future.

I went to book a single from Southampton to Glasgow with BA, this week. Price: £226, including all taxes.

Then I looked at that flight as the first leg, returning back to Southampton any time in June (letting BA's system pick the cheapest flight it could).

The return flight showed up as... wait for it... £2. On BA. Fantastic!

Unfortunately, I then changed the date, as I might actually need to come back down south at the end of April, but even so I got the return flight for £33.

But the best bit is... the total return cost dropped to £98.... return... both flights... for less than half the cost of the single....can't breath.. must go now...

... oh, just one more thing...

You have to take the first leg, otherwise the airline will cancel the second. So if the single that you want is from the other end back to your home airport, you'll need to book it back to front, as though you were then going to travel back to the destination at some point in the future.

My brain is telling me that might be a cheap way to get tickets for overseas football matches (book two returns as though flying FROM the overseas place). But A) I can't be bothered to work it out, and B) the brain power will be beyond the capabilities of most football supporters anyway!

Not counting Lisa of course, if you're reading this, as I know you're the brightest button in the bunch. But you're a girl, so obviously you would be :-) xxx

Got it!

Let's say England (not Scotland) are playing in Barcelona. You book a return from UK to Spain, to get back to the UK the day before the match. You have to take the UK->Spain leg, so you get a nice break before the match. Then you book a return from Spain to the UK, after the match, and only take the first leg.

Given that I saved more than 50% by buying a return, compared to the same flight on a single, if that same 50%+ holds true during football days, you'll save money by buying 4 flights instead of just the two.

Must try that someday...


Friday, April 01, 2005

This make you laugh...

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... well, not if you're nickname is Flyguy...

Here it is. An old one, but still funny.

... or not, if you're Flygirl, which translates into "flygoat". Sorry, T!


What a difference a day makes...

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This is an emotional one, so roll your eyes and get the hankies ready...

Yesterday, I was feeling a bit sorry for myself. I'm down here for 2-3 weeks whether I like it or not, looking after mum because no-one else can do it full time whilst she recovers from her operation. Peacock Junior is coming in August whether I like it or not (which fundamentally is a good thing, but it didn't feel like it on top of everything else going on right now). K and Jr will then be moving down south for however many months it takes while she's with her parents through the coming trouble, whether I like it or not. In July I'll be working for another employer miles away from where I live whether I like it or not.

... Life sucked...

But today... the sun is trying desperately to break out from behind clouds. I've got 2-3 weeks to catch up with friends without missing people out because they're busy until I go back up north. I've spent a lot of time with my sister, and my big bro' is coming up for a day over the weekend (and we've not seen each other for a LONG, LONG, LONG time). Mum's op went amazingly well (perhaps a little too well - I was hoping for the weekend to myself, but it looks like she'll be home [and bending my ear] five days earlier than planned!). K's dad has also been in hospital and it all seemed to go well. And when she and Jr move down south, I'll have the week days up in Scotland free to focus on my self-employed work, so that when they come back up to Scotland (or I go down south, as I suspect might happen), I'll be able to make the move and be around alot more to see my son grow up. And to take advantage of lovely spring days when they occur.

And all this was triggered by finding an MP3 playlist which boosted my mood.

So today's lesson, if you're still here, is two-fold:

1. There's always a benefit in a situation, even if you can't see it at first.
2. Sleep on it - things always look better the day after.
3. Make yourself a playlist now to give you the bootstrap you'll need when you least expect it.
4. When the weather is good, and if you leave on the east coast of Scotland, do whatever it takes to make the most of it. You might not get the chance for a long, long time.
5. When you start making a list, you'll always think of more things that you initially thought of.



Anyone looking to get out of college work?

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I've just come across this excellent little site for generating essays at random. Actually, some of them are better than the ones I did.

Bung in some random words like 'hp', 'apple', 'dvd prices', 'beer' (etc) and you'll see some interesting stuff crop up!