Heroes Season 5 (or is it 4?) non-spoiler
Some non-spoiler-ish (honest) blurb by Tim Kring. Really, you want to read this.We’re all very excited about the next volume of Heroes(volume 5) called “REDEMPTION.” All of our characters, in way or another, return to their normal lives after the turmoil and tragedy of “FUGITIVES.”
One of the big issues we’ll be exploring is how should a person with abilities live his or her life. Should they try to assimilate by hiding their abilities, or should they live more honestly, exposing their powers to the world?
Claire will be at the forefront of that issue, starting college in Washington, D.C., and trying to discover, as all college kids Oh who the fuck cares. Enough of the whingy cheerleader struggling with her identity and how she fits in, already. Didn't see that one coming, did we?
Labels: heroes