Wednesday, June 23, 2010

WTF #4 and #5 and #6

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Yes, another two.

WTF #4: How comes the key sender of text jokes about England's football performance is Madjock, who doesn't even like football?

WTF #5: 1-nil?

WTF #6: I'm on Facebook! I know, I know, I said I never would. But I had to. Someone offered me a chunk of cash to integrate their WP blog with Facebook, and the only way I could say yes was if I actually looked at Facebook at least once. So I've bitten the bug...

... with a fake profile. Hah! Told you I'd never be on Facebook! Get a life, Facebookers...


Saturday, June 05, 2010

Marketing Failure

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Just bought a coffee in Aulds. I asked for not a large one, the server confirmed they call it a 'regular'.

Then she turned to clarify the size to her colleague who was actually making the coffee, and who hadn't quite heard my order. The server said:

'No, a small one'

