Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Oh Bum!

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Bloglines, my faithful RSS reader for the last few years, is being shut down in a couple of weeks.

Which means those 1495 posts I've bookmarked for reading "later" will need to be deleted, as the export of feed data into my new reader only contains the RSS URLs, not the bookmarked posts.

So, Flyguy:

The bad news: that means I'll never read the 1493 posts you've made about some new SW minifig you've gotten.

The good news: I'll be going to Google Reader. Yes, bloody Google have won again.


Saturday, September 11, 2010

Just Wasted 1.5 Hours Of My Life

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Yes, I watched "Fourth Kind".

Don't. Gnaw your own foot off instead, it'll be more interesting and more scary.


Tuesday, September 07, 2010

First Leia, then Hermione, now Pevensie Snr

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She's growing up nicely. What is it about appearing in popular sci-fi fantasty movies?

(That's the Pevensie from the Narnia films, in case you're wondering).