Childhood's End...
No, I'm not talking about the wee man's childhood. I'm talking about mine.He and I had a boys weekend away this weekend, during which we went to:
1. Dynamic Earth
2. The Scottish Museum of Flight or whatever it's called.
In Dynamic Earth, there was a female astronaut presenting. We didn't actually see her, but, caught up in the space theme, the wee man bought a toy space shuttle. Then later that night, we watched a few YouTube vids of the shuttle landing and taking off. And by co-incidence, when we got back, the good lady had a Panorama special lined up for us to watch.
At the Flight Museum, we got to explore a Concord, and looked in a cockpit of a Jump Jet Harrier.
Never mind the continual litany of the end of decent sci-fi programs. WHAT ABOUT THE ENDING OF ALL MY CHILDHOOD DREAMS!
I'll never fly in a Jump Jet now they've been mothballed.
I'll never get to see the shuttle take-off or land.
And I'll never fly in Concord.
And I still haven't got the flying jetcar they promised me in Tomorrow's World.