Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Oh, and one more thing.

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As you may have noticed from the quality graphics at the top of the page, I've got a bit of a thing going for Six (the blonde cylon in Battlestar Galactica). Blonde and slim is not really my type, I prefer dark and a more curvy. But, Six has gotten to me as the series progressed.

But there's another wee beauty in that series. Dee. The asian woman with the beautiful green eyes. At least I think they're green - I'm so caught up in how lovely they are, I can never make out the color.

More Dee, more close-ups, that's what I say!


What's this? A post about f**tball? From Blakey? Surely not!

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Yes, I'm breaking my thirty-*cough* years of silence to actually issue some commentary on football.

[Sidenote: Actually, there's a trend happening here. At lunch yesterday I pontificated forth about sports as well, something about an article in the Times/Guardian recently looking at China's mass - and supposedly harsh - gymnastics regime, and how a UK gymnast said that we're actually just as harsh. I think my comment was along the lines of "yes, well, that's all very good when you've only got 4 gymnasts in training for the future Olympics team, given our current state of funding". Impressive, eh?]

[Sidenote 2: At which point, I promptly left the table and returned to my desk. Leave 'em begging for more, that's what I say!]

So, back to the topic. F**tball. [Sorry, can't bring myself to actually write it].

More specifically, Sven.

Now, many bloggers round the UK are no doubt slagging Sven off for betrayal, and lying, and all that shite. But....

I can't help thinking that the media should be reporting on actual news, not setting people up just to make a headline.

What next? Asking politicians if they ever frequent a men's public toilet, and then "outing" them in an exclusive exposure? Throwing mud over Posh Spice, just to sell a picture saying "See! She doesn't pout ALL the time!"? Assassinating The Vicar [Blair, for those of you who don't read Private Eye] just to fill the front page at the weekend 'cause it was a bit quiet?

Surely the press complaints people should be over Sven's setter-uppers like flies on shit?

There. That's you've just seen history. Blakey talking about football.

Damn. I spelled it out normally.

[And just in case anyone from the media is reading this: bagsy me throwing the mud! ]


Friday, January 20, 2006

Another useful app

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This displays the folder sizes in Windows explorer... including all sub-nested folders and files.

Why didn't MS think of this?



About fecking time Google!

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Before Flyguy rants again, wasn't this more important than moving Gmail out of beta?


("Can you see what it is yet?")


Wednesday, January 18, 2006

When you gotta go, you gotta go...

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If you've just lost your MSDN subscriptions...

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... here's a nice piece of software to extract your product keys:

Use it. Save the output to external media. Send me £1000 when you need those keys urgently after a hard-drive failure but you can't get into MSDN.

Note: When you save, make sure ALL products are selected. I almost save the key for IE, and onlyIE. That would have been useful if I had to do an emergency rebuild...


Monday, January 16, 2006

Yay! Open season the cinema starts next week!

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Once Mum is on her way back down south later this week, I'll be up for the cinema on a pretty regular basis again.

Just in time for the luvverly Kate Beckinsale and her leather-and-sultry look in Underworld 2.



Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Check out #7

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