Saturday, February 25, 2006

Shit. The world's gonna end.

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Here I am, 8:20 Saturday morning. And no Battlestar Galactica to download from last night (at least not on Mininova).

It's an omen. The end of the world is nigh...


Friday, February 24, 2006

Help me Obi-wan. You're my only hope.

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Remember that scene. Fuzzy image of Princess Leia (pre- her gold bikini era) floating in mid-air?

It's not so far away as you think: Three Dimensional Images in the Air

Wonder how long it'll be till I can have Ms Pfeiffer, avec le suit lethair, lounging around on my bed???

Actually, maybe now it's time to invest in that company, plus any p*rn companies that decide to buy that technology. We all know that most consumer hi-tech stuff is driven by the sordid industries, right? (VCRs, online payments, pop-up windows, movies in webpages, etc)


Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Another spoof video

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I've been watching a few of these today, and this one caught my eye. A spoof of the HP advert with the guy putting his head in frames. Now, I actually really like the HP ads. They're well done and quite clever.

But... of all the movies I've watched today (about 10 of them, like you do)... guess which one wouldn't work over VPN whilst connected to work??? Yep, you got it!

YouTube - HP Commercial Spoof


Trailer Parodies

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I'm sure there's a cooler name for these given by media students, but whatever they're called, they're a new thing for me. For example, take the music and captions from Brokeback Mountain, and overlay clips from Dumb and Dumber.

YouTube - Brokeback Mountain/Dumb and Dumber Parody

Very smart....


Can't wait for the next old firm game to hit my local!

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Yes, you read it here first. Blakey's looking forward to a football game.


So I can give this to someone I don't like, tell him to press the button, and then I'll run like hell to watch from outside the pub somewhere.



Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Babylon 5 : Scott Adams Cameo

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Babylon 5 : Scott Adams Cameo: "When Garibaldi first starts his private investigatory career after resigning as security chief, he meets some people that offer him cases. One of them is a man that, much to Garibaldi's amusement, claims that his cat and dog are planning to take over the world.
The man is Scott Adams, beloved creator of Dilbert. I don't really recall Catbert wishing to take over the world, but it is Dogbert's obsession."

Well I never


Babylon 5 : Scott Adams Cameo

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Babylon 5 : Scott Adams Cameo: "When Garibaldi first starts his private investigatory career after resigning as security chief, he meets some people that offer him cases. One of them is a man that, much to Garibaldi's amusement, claims that his cat and dog are planning to take over the world.
The man is Scott Adams, beloved creator of Dilbert. I don't really recall Catbert wishing to take over the world, but it is Dogbert's obsession."

Well I never


Friday, February 17, 2006

First known worm to target Mac OS X - Lifehacker

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First known worm to target Mac OS X - Lifehacker

[Sounds like that bully boy in The Simpsons]: Ha-ha!

About bloody time the holier-than-thou, we're-so-special, why-are-you-using-a-crap-OS Mac users got a taste of the bad medicine.


Thursday, February 16, 2006

Sad day

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Andreas Katsulas, who plays G'Kar in Babylon 5, has just died after a long illness. Andreas (as G'Kar) rocked. His character was superb, and his voice was one I could listen to for hours. And he had some great, powerful speeches.

Such as:

His speech to the next person to take his position on Babylon 5

His most powerful speech

His final speech as he left Babylon 5

Fairwell, G'Kar.


Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Barclaycard Scam

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Get this. If you're a good, responsible Barclaycard customer and pay your bill off in full every month, Barclaycard will also treat you responsibly by moving your due date a few days earlier, and only telling you via a little one-line sentence on your statement. So you miss your next payment. And get charged a late fee for the pleasure. Fortunately, if you pay by Direct Debit, this won't effect you... other than money leaving your account a few days earlier.



Google's first non-Beta launch?

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Given how much the Flyguy loves Google, here's a question: They're looking into Gbuy or Gpay or something - an alternative to Paypal.

Will it be in beta for a year or two like everything else? Let's hope not. With all the money they've got, I'm sure they could hire a tester or two before launch...


Xena: Warrior Cylon??

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