This article in
the sunday Mirror (I don't read it, just found the link somewhere else) shows that the Dragons Den investors are not quite true to their word.
What's even better is that the people promised the money are doing pretty good without the egotistical investors on the program. Good on 'em.
Check out these cloud photosIn particular, do a search for "Roberto Giudici / photographed in the Mediterranean" (they've Javascripted/CSSed the image URLs, and I can't be arsed to figure it out.
The image above that.... how X-Men is that!!!!
If you've ever read Flyguy's blog ... (yeah, I know, it's neither funny nor interesting, but occasionally he does post some interesting movies to watch) ... you might have noticed a tendency for him to think that Google's cast off piss-stained y-fronts are absolutely wank-tastic.
Now we know whyBut Flyguy: you managed OK on the pizza-eaters bit, but please... dude, it's only a 1 year program. Get over it!
And I quote from recent press/media stories:
"Hero of the people.. was doing what he loved and was passionate about... loved by everyone... household name... national figure"
What a shame.
It turns out he crashed whilst trying to break the world land speed....
... er....
... hold on a second.
That's not Steven Irwin. He died underwater via a stringray.
The media are talking about.... erm... wassisname. The young guy with enthusiasm. Blows up caravans in the name of science. Drives cars alot in some motor show.
Oh, god, what's he called?
He's a househould name, isn't he? I should know his name! National hero, just like Steve Irwin, whose name I DO remember, even though I'm not an Aussie.
Methinks the media are just dieing for Mr Car Crash to ... er ... die, just so we can have a huge national wave of grief (like wot when Diana was murdered by the Royal Family for dating a muslim), and to prove we're just as good as the Aussies.
Get a grip, Mssrs Media People.
What is his name, anyway?
Grade 9 history test question: Give the number of automobiles produced in America during the year of your choice.
Answer submitted: 1806 -- none
There is no conspiracy. Nobody is in charge. It's a headless blunder operating under the illusion of a master plan.
- "Cube", 1997
Too true.
My morning ritual used to go like this: Roll out of bed at 7:15, play with my daughter for a few minutes, suck down 185 ounces of coffee to wake up, then answer e-mails and zoom through Web sites for a couple of hours as "SportsCenter" blares in the background. Then the World Cup started. Much to my surprise, the 7:30 a.m. game quickly became part of my routine. Soccer, it turns out, is the perfect sport to watch while you're doing other things. Maybe it's that constant soothing sound, a never- ending din of cheering and singing in strange languages. Maybe it's that you only have to glance at the TV every so often. Whenever something seems like it might happen, the play-by-play guy warns you with the rise in his energy level. There's always time to catch a play before it unfolds...even though it usually ends with some exhausted striker rocketing the ball 25 feet over the crossbar. Maybe it's that you know what you're getting every time out: six or seven exciting plays, a game that ends at a specific time, no annoying sideline reporters or goofy camera angles. All in all, a peaceful two hours of competition.
- Bill Simmons
Hmm. I still don't get it.
OK, I get the point about it ending at a specific time. I've seen American football. It sucks bigger that real football.
Rebellion is almost as stupid as obedience. In either case you let yourself be defined by what they tell you to do.
- slashdot .sig
Maybe all the goths hanging around Central Station and the back of borders ought to be taking a good hard look at themselves...
... and finally, a little thought for the day:
When we cannot bear to be alone, it means we do not properly value the only companion we will have from birth to death: ourselves.
- Eda LeShan
Scientists have shown that the moon is moving away at a tiny yet measurable distance from the earth every year. If you do the math, you can calculate that 85 million years ago the moon was orbiting the earth at a distance of about 35 feet from the earth's surface. This would explain the death of the dinosaurs. The tallest ones, anyway.
- Unknown source
"NO, of course we don't and never had condoned the torture of terrorism suspects....
.. but ... whilst we're on the subject, would you mind if we abolished the law that means we could be tried for war crimes after leaving office. Thanks ever so".
Of course, George. Make yourself immune to prosecution. We don't mind.
This EXACTLY describes me and my day... unless you're my manager, in which case it, well, let's be honest here, after all, we're amongst friends: it describes yours.
And it is a very good Blunt parody as well, as a bonus.
In an interesting blog asking readers to suggest
ways they use excel that they think are geeky, here's one comment:
Excel helped me name our second child. The spreadsheet included both of our first and middle name preferences (prioritized), displayed all combinations so we could narrow the list down to a reasonable 10, and mixed and matched those finalists with our first child’s name, based on the following criteria:
- how the first and last name sounds like together (most common usage)
- how the first, middle and last name sounds (used when the bugger gets into trouble)
- what the initials are (with a name like Brian Samson, it’s obvious my parents didn’t think of this one)
- how the sound of the first name goes with our first son’s first name
Each of the above metrics had a score, a relative value of importance for each metric, and a response for each criterion from both her and I. Aggregating the sum-product of the relative values and the responses yielded a quantitatively accurate, preferred name from both her and my perspectives. A little fancy AI and the answer was magically displayed.
We looked at the screen, ignored the results and went with our guts. Who would name their child “#N/A #NAME? Samson” anyway?
Very funny.
This guy is:
Excel pacman pacelman download"Enter" to start a new game
Cursor keys to move.
I bow down to His Geekness.
Absolutely the best thread I've read on metafilter recently:
How many camels is my girlfriend worth?
Apparently, over 10K players of a chinese MMORPG or whatever they're called, showed up in one of the virtual locations to protest over a Tang dynasty government office having a Japanese "rising sun" flag symbol the wall.
Here are some screenshots.Madness!
[ Thanks to
Geekologie ]