Friday, December 19, 2008

Those Pesky Kids!

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Am feeling a little bit worse for wear after our team "lunch" yesterday, which stretched till 7:00 at which point I wanted a sit down and a larger size of trousers to ease my bulging stomach and beery bladder.

Am working at home. Thought I'd treat myself to a bacon butty from the burger van that servers the local schools, and which conveniently parks not 100 yards up the road.

Schools are closed.

Van's not there.

Those pesky kids!


Friday, December 12, 2008

A Proud Day

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Yes, such a proud day that it warranted one of these blog-post-thingies.

An advert for the Clone Wars DVD came on TV today. The wee man pointed at it and said "Star Wars!".

Like I said, a proud day :-)

Beat that, Fly!

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