[I can feel myself going weak at the knees due to all this recent news]
Check out the images
here about BSG: The Plan. Don't read the text, as it's a bit spoilery (apparently, as I've not read it myself). But check out the pictures.
Especially the one with...
... ah, fuck it, you'll know which one I meant.
Can't wait :-)
Labels: battlestar, sci-fi, tv
Having finally visited the Dr Who exhibition in Kelvingrove today, I'm in the mood for re-watching all the revamped Dr Who's starting with the Christopher Eccleston one. I was reminded again of "Blink", and how fecking good an episode that was, and started to read around it on Amazon, IMDB, Wikipedia etc.
Turns out that Steven Moffat, who wrote Blink, also wrote:
1. "Silence In The Library" / "Forest Of The Dead" - the two episodes with the Vashta Nerada - the monsters that live in the shadows and consume anything that goes in them. And with Dr Who's ...wife?
2. "The Girl In The Fireplace" - the one where the Doctor met Madame De Pompadour.
and then two more episodes "The Empty Child", "The Doctor Dances", which I remember, but were quite a while ago.
With some of the best episodes written by him, maybe Russell T Davies' leaving will be a blessing in disguise?
Will miss David Tennant though.
Labels: dr who
Watched the first ep last night.
Recommend it.
'Nuff said.
Labels: sci-fi
Today's wisdom is brought to you in a "statement:will I watch it" kind of way:
"It's sci-fi"
Possibly, because I like to give sci-fi a chance, even when it's a bad a filler as last night's Heroes episode, "Acceptance".
"It's based on Stargate"
Maybe. Stargate was alright. Didn't watch Stargate Atlantis, mind, and didn't watch the original series to really get the story arc, but reading up on said arc made me wish I'd stuck with it.
"It's got Robert Carlyle"
Oh. Quite possibly then. I like his stuff, normally.
"It's going to have Rhona Mitra".
Labels: sci-fi