Monday, November 29, 2010

Star Wars + Web Design = ???

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The answer, it seems, is this post.

The only question is: what are the ewoks in that first image doing to the stormtroopers?



Monday, November 22, 2010

My Coffee Consumption Is About To Go Through The Roof

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Bikini Baristas in a phenomenon across the United States where espresso stands have employees who wear swimsuits while they make and serve you coffee in the drive thru. will be a portal that caters to shop owners, their customers and anyone who wants to learn more about the trend.

All I can say is, check out #1 on Google images. Or #2. Or #3

Then check out the #1 normal search result for the phrase.

It's a wierd, wierd world...


Monday, November 15, 2010

Angry Birds on the HTC Hero

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Apparently, the HTC Hero's frame rate was too slow to run Angry Birds, which is amazing considering that the graphics are on a par with a lot of other games that manage to run fine. But, some updates later, it's been released for the Hero, and the frame rate...

... sucks.

It's playable, but only out of desperating whilst looking for something else to play.

Quite a good game though!


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Jessica Hynes in You Magazine

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I meant to post this a few weeks ago when there was an inverview with The Jess, in the build up to Burke and Hare being released.

But forget the interview... Did you see the pics?

She scrubs up REALLY well. Very nice indeed.

Alas, El Goog has let me down, and I can't find the pics. But here's a little taster, which is a bit not-safe-for-work.

Go on. You would, wouldn't you? It's OK to admit it, you're amongst friends here...



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A quote from the latest newsletter of the company I did my (money well spent) Prince 2 training:
Last month, Advantage Learning was selected to present a paper at the biggest gathering of Project Managers in the World.

Over 3,000 people attended the PMI Global Congress in Washington DC and the headline speaker was President Clinton.

So it's not your average trade show and it was an honour for Advantage to be invited to present PRINCE2 from among hundreds of possible speakers and topics around the world.

We decided to give it 100%.

We hired a booth, decked it out in tartan headed to the kilt shops on Edinburgh's High Street. As an Englishman in a kilt I thought I would burst into flames but, as a true believer in shameless selling, Jo and I pulled on the plaid and got on the plane...

We didn't expect America to know much about PRINCE2 but we thought their knowledge of Scotland might be a bit higher.

We were disappointed. In descending order of interest the best questions were:

3 - "Why are you wearing those kilts" ?

2 - "Are they from Australia" (more than once) and, easily the winner;

1 - "Are you from Pennsylvania, because you're like the Amish people." I had to ask for that one again, just make sure...

Good grief.


GREAT idea for our next boys night out

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Well, a night in actually, as it involves sitting in front of the TV.

... Just hold on. Wait a minute, there's more to it than that!

Sitting in front of the TV, with about 4-6 episodes of Nigella's cookery series ready to roll. It'll be better with the newer series, as she gets more... well, Nigella-ey... as each series launches.

So, here's the idea:

The Nigella Drinking Game!

Here are the rules.

"Take a sip" rules
Every time she... x..., you have to take a sip of your drink. X includes:

1. Says "mmph" (like she's just had a phone ring on vibrate when it's hidden somewhere it shouldn't be).
2. Lowers her lashes then gazes coquettishly at the camera.
3. Has friends over for dinner (one sip per event, not per friend).
4. Wanders round her house/shops/anywhere else with a smug, self-satisfied look on her face.
5. Has her kids on screen (two kids = two sips).
6. Appears dressed in her dressing gown.
7. Changes costume to something showing her great cleavage.
8. Changes costume to something with no cleavage but very tight.
9. Licks her fingers salaciously.
10. Utters a not-too-subtle double-entendre.
11. Appears on screen at night and takes something out of the fridge and eats it without even sitting down.

Non-sip rules.

12. If the event is open to doubt, the decision to sip or not sip must be made in 3 seconds. No more than 3 seconds, as that's how long till the next event will happen, so there's no time to hang aboot!

13. Pee breaks are only allowed at the end of each episode. Taking 2 minutes out for a slash means everyone else will be twice as hammered as you by the time you get back.

14. If things are going really bad, rule 10 can be changed to "treble-entendres" only, as that should at least give us a bit of breathing space.

15. Hardened alcholics like Paul get to drink real beer. I get to drink low-alcohol stuff, otherwise I'd be pissed by the end of the first episode. Andi gets to choose, giving him the chance to play at "suicidal" level or kick back on "newbie" level when the going gets tough.

Bonus Event
16. If the camera pans up from the kitchen work top to her bosom, everyone is allowed to not take a sip and instead they can close their eyes for a moment and imagine dying between them!

Feel free to add your own rules!



Thursday, November 04, 2010

Thoughts On Nigella's Episode Tonight.

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1. The snap of rubber gloves being pulled on.

2. "Don't worry, this won't hurt a bit."

3. "Would I lead you astray?"

4. "I call it Asian Flavours, which I know sounds like a massage parlour..."

5. Groan. Fetch clean pants.


Wednesday, November 03, 2010


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I'm probably the last to know, but in case you've not heard, Caprica's been binned.

I'm going to start watching mindless, repetitive, predictable crime shows, they seem to go on for ever and ever and fucking ever.