Worth a watch. Although it's a bit odd to see Starbuck (major baddie in the series) and 'Chief' (minor role, probably a one-off) in a series together.
The girl from EastEnders (Michelle Ryan, is that right?) impressed me, even though I don't watch EastEnders and so haven't seen her before. OK American accent (to my ears), although there's a lot of complaints about the mock-Oirish guys in Heroes (by real Irish people) and I thought they were OK too.
I'll keep on watching it I think.
Labels: sci-fi, tv
OK, I've gotta stop reading the forums after an episode. Too many fuckwits. Here's a post I just couldn't not write. The bits in italic are other people's comments:
Some thoughts on other people's comments:
"I wonder how in the world we are supposed to believe Matt Parkman took 5 bullets to the chest and lived to tell about it - especially considering he was in badphysical shape to begin with.4 months later he is up and running around as if nothing happened. Supposedly D.L. is dead, from 1 bullet to the lower abdomen, yet Matt survives 5 to the upper chest? The writers botched that one. "
Matt didn't get shot. He got 5 bullets "flung" at him by Sylar's telekinesis. Obviously, TK is not as strong as a good load of gunpowder, otherwise he would be dead (unless there's another healer around that we don't know about, and who was there at the scene, and I don't believe the writers are dumb enough to use that sort of cop-out).
"Mrs Petrelli and Hiro's father may be at the base of the company?"
No sarcasm this time: Didn't we see this in series 1, when Hiro's father first appeared? I can't remember that far back - was it something to do with handing Claire over to HRG? Also, remember Ma Petrelli had previously known the haitian, who was a company man, so obviously she had ties.
Re: the latino siblings:
"The Spanish brother and sister was kind of the only real boring storyline last night IMO. I do think that the brother has super speed/stamina with all the running he did, especially when he caught up the truck. What exactly is the girl, Mayas power??? All i saw were people with like blood drops coming out of their eyes. I didnt really get what she did to them. "
Someone else: "I also thought that her brother may have the power of speed because he was able to catch up to the truck by foot. We all know powers run in the family.... "
Really? All I thought was that A) they died relatively quickly once the brother was left behind, and B) the brother caught up... eventually. Or maybe I missed something that said "10 minutes and 400 miles later, the brother catches up" ???
And as for all the comments about how the episode didn't answer questions like: Why is Peter in a trailer in Cork with no memory? Why is Matt divorced? etc etc.... well, that's kind of the point of having 24 (or however many) episodes in a season - to spread things out. Get a life. Have some patience.
"He's [Kensei] english? Maybe he's claude's ancestor."
Yeah, that's right. The UK (or England in those days) is such a small place we're all related. I forget that, being a Brit myself. Heck, the Queen is my second cousin.
And where are Nikki/Micah/DL? Who cares? Hanging out with Sylar, Candice, and Claude, for all I know, as they weren't in it either. It was a 52 minute episode. They'll be back (well, maybe not DL). Just like in series 1 - not every hero was in every episode, thank god.
Oh, and GeigerdolylWodd [a twat who posted like 10 posts saying " HIRO chANGED THE PAST WHEN HE CAME BACK!", complete with the all caps writing] - why not watch the bloody program in one sitting without stopping every 10 seconds to post about what's happening on-screen? Go see a doctor and get some ADHD medication.
Thought some of you would appreciate reading that.
Anyway. Nice episode. Some good questions/plot elements to pursue in the coming series. I'm liking how messed-up Ma Petrelli is looking. And how does someone as small as George Takei (Hiro's dad) have a voice as deep as James Earl Jones? Unbelievable.
And I'm loving HRG (Horn Rimmed Glasses - cheerleader's dad) and Suresh and their plan - could be the best bit of the story, which is odd given that neither has any powers (OK, Suresh's blood can cure the virus that got his sister and nearly got Molly in the last series, but that's hardly a power, is it?)
In fact, HRG rocks generally. Nice scene at the office. Great round-the-dinner-table conversation, with more unsaid than said.
Shitty bit is that there's another fucking break in the middle of the season. I thought they'd promised not to do that after it lost 20% of it's viewers last time?
Ah well.
Actually, this series sucks.
After watching 2 episodes every 2 or 3 nights so that the missus can catch up to series 2 by episode 2 or 3, I'm hating having to wait another week for the next episode.
Life sucks.
Still, NCIS tonight! Yay DiNozzo!
Labels: heroes, ncis, tv
Great film. Quiet. Subtle. Powerful.
It covers the effect two men have on each other, in 1980's East Germany: One, a playwright, supposedly the only artist not under surveillance by the Stasi (the GDR's secret police) as he supports the socialist state. The other, a Stasi officer assigned to monitor him when higher-authorities decide that there must be something he's hiding. Slowly, the Stasi officer comes round to empathising with the artist, while the artist starts to act against the state. And a few twists and turns towards the ends.
The acting was understatedly powerful, the direction good (by which I mean unintrusive), the set-pieces authentic, in as much as they look like 1980's East German is supposed to look, not necessarily how it did look, I suspect.
Recommended if you're after something without guns, sex, swearing, hippity-hop music, or huge mega-stars in it. Oh, and subtitled.
Labels: movies
Two things happened today:
1. I used Google's Picasa for the first time (see comments about
Ali Larter).
2. I've started listening to
a podcast, which is actually pretty good!
Labels: babylon 5, tv
News from sci-fi.com: "Best-selling fantasy author Robert Jordan died Sept. 16 of amyloidosis, a rare blood disease. He was 58.
Jordan was best known for his Wheel of Time series, which began in 1990 with The Eye of the World. The series, which consists of 11 volumes (plus one prequel novel), has sold millions of copies worldwide; the 12th and final novel, A Memory of Light, remained incomplete at the time of Jordan's death. "
I started reading that series when number 4 or 5 came out. So once every year or two, I've had to find summaries of the previous 4,5,6,7,8,9,10 books, so that when I read the new one, I can remember the plot.
Now the bugger's gone and died without finishing the last one.
I put a lot of effort into reading his work, so I hope he's written a summary that gets published!
Labels: books
This guy is writing about how he's going to do a daily - get this - one-hour workout with Wii Boxing.
With 1 pound weights on his hands.
It's gotta be Arnie, right?
Us hunks couldn't even do 10 minutes with no weights, and still couldn't straighten our arms the next day!
Labels: games
And another thing.
Watching Nigella Express last night, in keeping with the mad "cooking from scratch" thing we've got going on at home.
Nigella said, and I quote, something about "tender morsels of soft white flesh".
I *think* she was talking about the scallops she was cooking at the time, but my eyes were somewhere else, and it all made perfect sense to me.
I *like* Nigella. A bit of my posh-totty thing. Loves food. Cooks well. Flirty. And dirty, I'm sure. Yum.
Labels: tv
The good lady and I finished watching series 4 of NCIS last night... spoilers ahead! I've put them in white, so you'll need to highlight them if you want to read them. Actually, not so much spoilers, as possible plotlines/background. Anyway, if you're watching NCIS but not finished series 4, don't highlight the text below....
So... Mr French Gunrunner meets DiNozzo and calls him DiNardo the film professor. Rumours abound amongst the 65 fecking pages on TV.com about this one single episode. Possibilities that I read on the 3 or 4 pages I managed to read:1. Apparently, we've never heard Jeanne called Tony anything other than Tony, and never made a reference to his work at NCIS. So... is Tony undercover, trying to get close to Jeanne in order to get to Papa? However, when Jeanne was held hostage by the two junkie drugrunners in the hostpial morgue, Tony reached for his gun... so maybe she does know. Also, Papa called him DiNozzo when speaking to the shifty double-agent British-accented CIA guy (still haven't worked that one out yet). So Papa knows full well who DiNozzo is.2. That would explain why Tony's having doubts... maybe he actually HAS fallen for her, even though it was supposed to be an undercover thing.3. It would also explain why DiNozzo went to see the Director to speak about his sex life, of all things. You just wouldn't do that, no matter how close you got. Mind you, that director... Yummm. Nice with the shorter hair that she's got nowadays. Very, very nice.4. Someone else posited that as Director Jenny still gets pissed off everytime she gets close to Papa Gunrunner, then loses the trail, then she obviously doens't know about Tony going undercover and gunning for Jeanne to get to Papa. So he must be on a CIA sting for some reason.5. My own theory: Gibbs has been strangely unsarcastic when it comes to Tony not being around, not answering his phone, etc, etc. So I reckon it's Gibbs who's asked Tony to go under cover, to protect the Director from making mistakes in her obsession to get Papa Gunrunner.[END SPOILERS]
All very exciting.
Even more exciting when I found out that series 5 starts in the Us in 2 weeks. 24th September.
Second, obviously, Heroes starts on the same fucking day.
I think I just wet myself with excitement.
If only Battlestar Galactica could have started the same day - I'd have died in apoplexy.
Labels: heroes, ncis, tv
And while cruising around YouTube, came across
this - Now, I rarely enjoy big solo breaks on any instrument, but even I've got to admin that Phil can't half play the drums, even as an old geezer.
Labels: music
Ever since hitting the pub on Saturday, watching some game (rugger? footer? god knows, all look the same to me), that bloody Phil Collins song/gorilla Dairy Milk ad has been running through my head.
So. Found the MP3. Turned the volume up. Loving it!
http://www.glassandahalffull.com/Labels: ads, music
I've just upgraded last.fm's WMP plugin, and been doing some "people who listened to this also listened to this" type of browsing.
Here's a screenshot of one user who's been listening to Matt Nathanson this week:

1,555 tracks listened to. Is that even possible in a week?
1555 x 4 minutes = 6220 minutes = 103 hours.
Jesus. Someone hasn't got anything better to do.
And I know he's got a few albums out (5?). So that's maybe 50 tracks. So she's listened to each one.... er... hold on... complex maths coming up.... 31 times.
She must be deaf or insane.
Or maybe left her PC on repeat and went on holiday.
Labels: music
Just listening to "Oops Up" by Snap! The second of two great songs on an album of shite.
This verse always makes me laugh:
She is soft as bubble bath
I am as hard as chinese math
Ready for the ultimate affection
Took out a pack obtain my protection
Rolled it on one hard stroke
It was my last and yes it broke
Labels: music
Very arty, at least one new face I think (could have been someone else in profile with a new hairdo, not sure). No spoilers or hints on the plot.
http://www.mininova.org/tor/868687Oh, and did anyone see this weekend's Mail On Sunday (the Daily Mail one, not the Scottish Mail one). It had a brief interview with Ali Larter (Nikki/Jessica/Superbabe), and a nice full length, two-page centerpiece type thing, obviously not quite your Penthouse version, but nice never-the-less. Yum!
Labels: heroes
This torrent caught my eye the other day, and I've just flicked through it. Don't bother downloading, it looks like an alternative script to the first 2-3 episodes. I didn't see the very original pilot, so maybe it's based on that.
Some differences:
- Matt Parkman (the mind-reading cop) is trying to get into SWAT, not to detective level.
- The FBI woman and Matt's wife are played by different people
- Matt finds an Islamic terrorist in the house, not the young girl
- The terrorist is the one with nuclear powers, not the guy from the final series, although he has also killed his wife due to cancer
- Mohinder meets Sylar already (different actor, possibly), where it's in episode 6 or thereabouts in the true release
- The warehouse-on-fire that the cheerleader goes into is a replacement for a train crash caused by the terrorist cell
That's about it.
Labels: heroes, tv